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Sound Alchemy
Shamanic sound journey with voice activation — for those who’d like to hear their true selves
29.11 / 19:30
Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery with Flordeliza and André Kunkel — two sound alchemists that blend age-old shamanic sound journey with cutting-edge voice activations.

The rhythmic beats of the shamanic drums. Soft whispers of rattles. Deep overtone singing.

These practices have been used for thousands of years. And now you can experience their power at 360°.

And as you take a deep dive into the sounds, you will discover that your own voice is an instrument of transformation, too!

So join us on November 29 for an beyond-ordinary meditative experience.

Release emotional blockages, access the depths of your soul and bounce back even stronger.
Listen to your true self — at 360°
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