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Russian Poetry Night with Ivan Kokorin
Pushkin, Esenin, Gaft & more at 360°
1.06 / 20:00
Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Russian poetry with Ivan Kokorin — a renowned theatre & movie actor celebrated for his roles in Brat 2 and The Brothers Karamazov.

Pushkin. Esenin. Gaft. Rozhdestvensky. The verses of these literary giants were crafted to make you FEEL.

And now we invite you to experience them at 360°.

Love and loss. Hope and despair. Fatalism and resilience. Passion and melancholy.

Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions that define the enigmatic Russian soul — expressed through the power of words.

Accompanied by the soothing melodies of a grand piano by Artem Savinkov and immersive 360° show — this evening will surely resonate within your entire being.
Feel the essence of the Russian Soul at 360°
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