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Music Therapy. Masterpieces
Experience unique classical program, backed by extensive neuropsychological research
28.04 / 20:00
Explore the connection of Sound and Spirit at Music Therapy Session — a classical concert infused with the transformative power of sound healing.

Bach. Handel. Chopin. Mozart. Beethoven. Compositions of these geniuses are proven to enhance your well-being.

But we are going to take them to a whole new level.

In collaboration with the IInternational Music Therapy Center, we're excited to bring you a unique classical program, backed by extensive neuropsychological research.

So join us on April 28th to calm your racing mind and tap into the power that resides within you.

Lose yourself in the ethereal compositions, performed by classical quartet, as the soothing sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, Koshi bells, Chakraphones and Tank drums wash over you.

Together with a stunning immersive show — this is going to be a transformative musical experience at 360°.

Classical masterpieces that benefit both mind & soul
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