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Keys to My Heart by Tony Yike Yang
The Valentine’s special by a Canadian piano virtuoso
11.02 / 20:00
Embark on a journey through love's diverse landscapes with Tony Yike Yang — a Canadian piano virtuoso.

As the youngest laureate in the history of the International Chopin Piano Competition, he has graced stages in over 25 countries across 5 continents, combining characteristics of the true virtuoso and the artist.

Now, we are delighted to welcome him to Dubai!

In a prelude to St. Valentine's Day, Tony will explore the depth of human affection, woven into classical compositions.

From delicate nuances of new connection by Debussy to the passion of Chopin’s Waltzes and complex feelings expressed by Liszt— each piece will narrate a unique love story,, with emotions speaking louder than words.
Together with a mesmerising 360° romantic art by Morysetta — this performance promises to linger in your heart long after the final note.
A piano journey into the essence of love at 360°
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