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Baroque & Beyond by UAE Philharmonic Orchestra
An educational 360° concert by #1 Philharmonic Orchestra in the UAE
21.09 / 20:00
Dive into the history of music with the first UAE-based Philharmonic Orchestra – 18 top-class string musicians that will show you that classics is anything but boring!

Led by the celebrated conductor Nicolas Mann, they will perform a full season at 360° TODA space — bringing you new styles of classical music every month.

For the first concert of the series, we invite you to explore popular Baroque pieces that continue to captivate hearts today — while learning the stories behind them.

From the splendour of Vivaldi to the deep drama of Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber — all brought to life with fun stories and interesting facts.
And some of the pieces will be performed live for the first time in the Middle East!

What's next:
October 19 – Classical & Beyond by UAE Philharmonic Orchestra
November 23 – Romantic & Beyond by UAE Philharmonic Orchestra
December 27 – Impressionism & Beyond by UAE Philharmonic Orchestra
You will be surprised how exciting classical music can be!
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